ruminations about architecture and design

Friday, October 29, 2010

single family residence in mumbai

This is the residence of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani. A recent NY Times story on the house can be found at this link:
I have mixed feelings about this and will approach the matter in my typical circular fashion. I have read that chimpanzees and other primates will get upset if a group member is given more food or covets certain resources at the apparent expense of other members of the group. I have also read that the motto of the Dark Lords of Sith is something along the lines of " There can only be two Sith--one who has power, and the other who craves it."
Excessive gestures tend to have unintended and ironic consequences. We can consider the case of Ozymandias and Marie Antoinette. On the other hand, Henry Clay Frick's house is now a museum, which is a rather positive outcome. This place will probably be torn down in a few decades, and not because of a violent revolution, but because of the churning evolution of real estate development in India.
Like my primate cousins, I cannot react positively to this. My capitalist instincts shrug my shoulders. The gravity of the accumulated infrastructure and architecture of Boston keep me in my place and I am grateful that different decisions have been made in this country that have not yet been undone. I am fairly certain that I will not be one of the folk who walk down the rough streets of Mumbai and glance indifferently at this monument to human folly. What business is it of mine? What reckoning will be avoided or visited upon it?

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