ruminations about architecture and design

Thursday, January 10, 2013

is the cape house dead?

I should have a graphic for this, but since I"ll be returning to this subject again, I'll save the thunder.

The Cape Cod house style is a very American expression, both stylistically, and functionally. However, it makes less and less sense in a modern era of expanding house sizes and decreasing building lot areas. A large Cape works best if it can spread out in a linear fashion, which requires a lot of land. Land costs are getting higher, so the geometry of a Cape becomes a burden to a potential homebuilder/buyer.

The larger issue here is the life cycle of certain architectural geometries. Nobody builds Greek temples anymore. If you want a building for worship you have to think about things like bathrooms, kitchens, offices, classrooms, etc....It applies to many building types. Sometimes, the shifts in proportion and space adjacency are subtle, but the overall impacts are profound. Towers of Ilium is generally an advocate of modern building codes, but their impact on space planning makes many charming architectural models uneconomical, and downright hazardous.

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