ruminations about architecture and design

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Some random Brutalism for a graphic.

I was thinking about how height is always a relative measurement. Defining building height is a very tricky business and there are some pretty irritating formulas in zoning codes that architects have to use. The simplest way to describe height is by measuring from a point on the ground directly in front of the building to the highest projecting part of the structure overhead. Sounds simple, until you have to define the "Front" of the building. And what if the ground is sloping? And what if the city changes the grade in the future? And what part of the structure of the building should actually count towards its height? If you have an antenna or a chimney or a flagpole or a an elevator penthouse at the top of the building, then should that really count as the building structure?

I prefer height measurements that focus on a different quality of the building--number of stories above grade. So what is a story? How high can it be? Argghhhh!

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