ruminations about architecture and design

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

U.S. housing market trying to find the bottom

No graphic for this one, but if you're interested, you can always go to Calculated Risk  which always has interesting information about real estate and other economics issues. In any event, average U.S. home prices are back to year 2000 levels, which is both a good and a bad thing. It is a bad thing for people who that residential real estate was always a sure bet. It is a good thing for people who are looking for some sign that the recession is over.

I am ambivalent about the whole issue. I have a mortgage on a house now and I try not to think about what its resale value might be--I just try to find money for the monthly payment. The costs associated with moving somewhere else are not something I like to think about--it would take unusual circumstances for that to be a good thing.

Right now, I'm more interested in compost heaps.

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