ruminations about architecture and design

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

sears, roebuck, & bezos

This connection has been made before, so it is not the intent of towers of ilium to make a novel observation. A larger issue here is the conceit and goal of business that everything that can be desired can eventually be manufactured and sold. Economics stands in opposition to the principle of business, by postulating infinite, and ultimately unsatisfied desires. Sears, Roebuck circumvented this quandry of economics by legitimately offering more than any one person could ever want or buy. Their success laid the foundations for their ultimate failure. Bezos has simpler aims, but he has failed as a businessman because he always takes the customer and the supplier for granted. Intangible experiences are desired more, and command higher prices, than any item stocked in a warehouse. So far, Amazon cannot sell that.

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