ruminations about architecture and design

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

origins of the malaise

It would have to be the architecture schools. And I am a willing participant in the perpetuation of those myths and delusions. I am on quicksand here--for I threaten a portion of my existence by daring to criticize the methods of an educational process that churns out the foot soldiers of the design profession. And it is that word "criticize" that sums up so many of the problems of the academy. For it is criticism, not performance of the design, that is held to the highest standard. It is the assumption of the major players that "critical thinking" is more valuable than knowledge. But critical thinking about what? The spatial experience is a deeply subjective thing, so the student must graft on a set of reasons, pulled from abstract sources, that are used to justify the curve of a wall, the shape of a roof, the use of a particular material. It invests the studio experience with a sense of wonder, which is a counterpoint to the real world experience:

"And now, for the door and hardware schedule...."

The student bursts into tears.

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