ruminations about architecture and design

Saturday, April 6, 2013

how long before this blog has original content?

 I had planned on making the content and tone of this blog more serious, but market surveys demonstrated that we live in an age of cynicism, hopelessness, despair, ennui, and loathing. So, I must please my audience base.

I'm depressed because the Mass. legislature is not on board with the Governor's proposed transit plan. Deval Patrick proposed a $2 billion package of improvements and capital investments that would have been financed by selective tax increases. The Massachusetts. House responded with an asinine $500 million dollar plan. $2 billion dollars will not purchase a single B-2 bomber and $500 million doesn't even buy you the deferred maintenance that a hundred year old transportation network has incurred. Towers of Ilium is shocked by the ineptitude of many political leaders. For them, the building pictured above represents the culmination of modern civilization.

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