ruminations about architecture and design

Sunday, April 14, 2013

moving sideways 3rd edition

I'm getting frustrated with the obsession that some people have with data. Whether it is useless standardized tests for kids in grade school or efforts to quantify architectural decisions, the crusade of the data-people is doing little good and much harm. The data people sell their ideas on the basis of slogans like "you can't manage what you can't measure" and turn up their noses at the overwhelming evidence that human brains respond most powerfully to subjective stimuli.

 Also, data is only useful if there are clearly measurable goals or a rational strategic concept in place to anchor the numbers. If a person sets a goal to improve performance in a sporting event or the fuel efficiency of an automobile, then a data driven process can be quite useful. If some idiot CEO sets a goal that profits at a company will increase by 10% a year then everyone will end up frustrated, sick, disappointed and dead.

How do you provided a data driven answer to this question: "Am I happier?"

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